Be aware of facebook apps

Facebook is awesome site to waste time (just kidding ) . People love to stay connected and Hackers always have an eye on attacking people to get confidential information. Remember Koobface worm  in December 2008 . There are many Social Apps that are spread across the ecosystem. Although Facebook security team is always fighting against them , some of them goes off their eyes too.

Facebook Google appThis is an APP which was available in many of my friends wall and also mine. This app recommends to do three steps in order to see the Hidden msg in Google . First one is to click the Like button and then to Click share by posting on friends wall.

facebook google spoof pageFull size image: Click Me

(sorry for blur image , i had saved in GIF format )

After completing step 2,  it redirects to a similar site with Facebook design . Many of them don’t even know  that landing page is not Facebook. Then it will say to complete some task to verify that you are a HUMAN . This is actually a CPA program (cost-per-action) . When a person perform the action such as Registering in a dating site or downloading a software(may be even a malware), site owner earns money.

Facebook CPA Action spoof

The special thing about it is , most of the offer you need to complete are by installing toolbar/ softwares . I search for the name in google and found these are Spyware and malware . After all the steps , you will realize it is a fake one. Always be aware of what links you are clicking ?

If you were affected by any apps, then remove the Apps from your profile by visiting the Application Setting page and also Change the facebook password  . Also Check How to secure your facebook account post.

There were , are , will be threats always. So always be aware !

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