Disable Plugin-container.exe in Firefox
Few days ago, i wrote a post about Firefox’s Plugin-container.exe which gets crashed often when you have opened many videos in Plugin. It also increase RAM usage. More info on “Plugin-container.exe ” If you like to get out of it , you can simply change this settings.
- Go to the address bar and type “about:config” and click the “I’ll be careful , I promise !” button
- Enter “dom.ipc” in the filter box and change the first four Preference by right clicking and selecting Toggle option. (i.e) keep dom.ipc.plugins.enabled and dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.nptest.dll as True.
- Restart the Firefox and start watching videos .
You can also see the decrease in the Process Memory for Firefox :)
No crash and No hassles !
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i never faced problem like video crash… but will change the settings as prevention is better than cure….
Nice tip, never faced this issue before. Thanks
Open three or more videos and check back again after some time, it may occur. Anyway if you face this problem , try these steps :)