IE Exploit Code
On November 23, Microsoft said that it is investigating a possible vulnerability in Internet Explorer after exploit code that could take control of your computer.the exploit code affects IE 6 and IE 7, but not IE 8, and it said it is “currently unaware of any attacks trying to use the claimed vulnerability or of customer impact”
The exploit code was published to the BugTraq mailing list on Friday
According to symantec , The exploit targets a vulnerability in the way Internet Explorer uses Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) information. CSS is used in many Web pages to define the presentation of the sites’ content.
The exploit currently exhibits signs of poor reliability, but we expect that a fully functional, reliable exploit will be available in the near future,” Symantec said. Symantec urges IE users to keep their antivirus software up-to-date, disable JavaScript, and visit only trusted Web sites, until Microsoft issues a patch for the hole.
Anyone believed to have been affected can visit Microsoft’s Consumer Security Support Center, report it to the Internet Crime Complaint Center, and contact the FBI or law enforcement in the particular country, Microsoft said. U.S. residents can also call Microsoft’s PC Safety Customer Service and Support number at 1-866-727-2338.
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