Make a folder invisible
For this trick, follow the simple steps:
1). Right click where ever you want the INVISIBLE FOLDER to be & select Create A New Folder.
2). Right click on the folder & hit RENAME. Erase the name of the folder so that there is nothing there. “DON’T PRESS ENTER”. Hold down ALT & press 0160 on the number pad. Release alt.
3). Right click the nameless folder & select PROPERTIES.
4). Go to CUSTOMIZE tab.
5). Press CHANGE ICON button.
Now select the icon that has no image.
6). Hit OK.
Edit: You can also hide the name by pressing ALT + 255
You can also use ALt + 255 :P
I wish I could post more on your blog without it rejecting my comment. I type up comments but they never get accepted, you should check on this.
That was due to server maintenance with our Host Server. We will be moving to more powerful server by this week end or by next week. :)