News from RapidShare- Rapids system[updated]

Rapidshare is one of Famous online hosting website . It is World 36th most visited website according to Alexa. The website provides users to upload contents like Software, documents, PDF, movies, music etc. I guess it is right to say, the website is really great one to download illegal stuffs :P and so they recently had a Copyright Lawsuit against them by Perfect 10 , a adult entertainment company. Although Rapidshare had won in the court , they have made serious changes to their system. RapidPoints and RapidDonation has been discontinued from June 18. Previously they discontinued RapidPoint for Rewards like Pen drive, T shirts etc.

Today , they had made an announcement about the new RapidShare system that will be implemented from 29 June. First of all , all the existing collector account will be upgraded to Premium account for free and you will be able to download as Premium using a new currency called Rapids .

There are 5 types of Premium account namely RapidSmall, RapidMedium , RapidBig, RapidSupersize , RapidBusiness that you can use depending on your needs. You can change between different types of account on daily basis .You can know more about this , by visiting the link

If you have Free and Premium RapidPoints , you can exchange to get Rapids . You can exchange 5000 Free  and 5000 Premium points to 600 Rapids. You can do this upto 6000 Rapids. If you convert 5000 Free + 5000 Premium RapidPoints and you download an average of 1 GB a day , then you can use it for nearly 5 months.

  • 5000 Free+ 5000 Premium RapidPoints  = 600 Rapids
  • 600 / 4* Rapids per day = 150 days (nearly 5 months)—- * 4 Rapids corresponds to RapidSmall which has 1GB download limit.

I think this will also  prevent the use of creating a new Premium account by using Rapids in one account and being sold in ebay or other forums. They had also mentioned Currently , i have 26K Free and 24K Premium RapidPoints worth 25Euro (31USD)  , don’t know what to do with it? should I convert to Premium or wait for some days to have any special conversion from RapidShare. More information on this will be available on 29, June.


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On 6th July, there was a new update from Rapidshare and this news was sent to all Rapidshare user including me :)

According to it, they are shifting the System to 99 Rapids for 30 days with 30 GB of Traffic(downloads) and 10GB for your files storage . The changes was due to the feedback got from the site users. For every additional 1GB file storage , you need to pay 2 Rapids/month and for Traffic download , you can get 5GB for 14 Rapids. The good thing about this the unused Traffic can be used for the next month.

Update 2 :

Create free Rapidshare Premium accounts.

Update : Looking for an alternative for RapidShare Free users ? Check this post
?Comments and reviews are the vital elements in Web 2.0 , so pls do ?

Want to earn money and buy genuine Rapids ? Click here :

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  1. I hope someone comes out with a simple explanation of this new system. Maybe we can get some of those kids on “are you smarter than a 5th grader” to break it down since the adutl mind is apparently not quite able to do it! But then we are talking about rapidshare aren’t we.

  2. Ohh its cool that rapidshare has won in court..So we can download everything without any worries.. I don’t have any rapid points..sad !!

    • But you know what many points and worry what to do with it?
      6 months ago, i was waiting to get Cash through PayPal (but soon the system was closed)
      2 month ago, i submitted to get a 8GB Sandisk Pen drive shipped to my home – 2 days after submission , them closed the promotion
      Today , i got free upgrades and i have Rapid point, still thinking … :@


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