Protect WordPress from Botnet Brute Force attack

Popular blogging platform WordPress is facing a huge brute force attack and cracking Administrator credentials.  According to,

The unknown people behind the highly distributed attack are using more than 90,000 IP addresses to brute-force crack administrative credentials of vulnerable WordPress systems, researchers from at least three Web hosting services reported.

This attack is largely targeted on WordPress blogs with default username as “admin” and with a weak password. Here are some of the ways, you can protect your blog from this attack… Continue reading

Using Microsoft Mail Service(Outlook) for your domain

Since Google has ditched the freemium version of Google App Mail service, you can start integrating Microsoft Outlook Email service with your domain and setup an account such as Outlook looks and feels familiar to Windows 8 Mail app and it’s cool Continue reading

[Updated] Things you should be aware of… before purchasing from BigRock

BigRock is one of my favorite domain registrar. In the last few years, I had bought more than 20 domains – for personal as well as for friends, business use, college events, etc. The main reason why I go with BigRock is, it supports major payment methods – Credit Cards, Debit Cards, PayPal, Offline Payment such as Demand Draft.

Being a customers for several months, here are two things you should be aware of. Continue reading

[How to] Convert Page to Post in WordPress

There may be situation when you need to change a page content to post. I had published few review articles on page  because I wanted to link those article from Menu. Earlier versions of WordPress didn’t have ability to have custom link. WordPress 3.0+ brought the functionality to life.  Continue reading

Re-enter blogging

There is always a bad time. You can see this in business, blogging and even studies. When it comes to blog, you can feel like quitting and sell it. Here are few tips to

Movies and real world:

Try to forget the blog for the moment. You could certainly feel that you are relieved for now. Enjoy the world outside the internet. You can go and watch movies with friends, spend more time with your family members, play games all through the day. These moments will be a great changer. You should understand that only Internet is not the world. I mean, in the current era Continue reading

Using Facebook Sign up for your website or forum

In today’s world, Facebook is another identity for us besides Driving license , Voter ID (or SSN). Many websites, startups and forums started integrating their registration process with Facebook for the ease of the users. I had been using the Facebook integration for my vbulletin forum for the past six months and here is my observations. Continue reading

Hello world, again

I had been thinking to update this blog for few weeks(may be Months) and finally decided to pen down.  I will try to write daily covering on categories such as Technology, Start ups,  Blogging , vBulletin forum misc and whatever I feel. This is my blog :p

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How to cancel monthly subscription/membership in Plimus


Plimus is an online payment processing gateway for selling digital goods. The main difference from PayPal is that in Plimus you cannot have any account balance. It is used only to pay and accepts Visa, MasterCard, Verified by Visa, Maestro and even PayPal. To learn more :

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Allow specific domain in Joomla user registration


This article will show you  how to allow user registration from particular domain – such as , in Joomla. If you want to restrict/ban particular domain, you can install Restricted Registration extension. You need to have FTP/CPanel access to make changes in Joomla core files and it is always a good practice to back up database . Continue reading

Hide unwanted contacts/circles from Google Talk


Three days ago, Google Talks started showing many people in my chat lists who I haven’t even known. I got irritated to hide one by one. Because new people started to appear again in the list. This may be the effect of Google Plus. Usually I add unknown people to a separate circle . I never knew Google will sync all Google+ contact with GTalk  list ( yay!! ) Continue reading