RapidGet – Download from RapidShare for free
If you are looking for downloading files from Rapidshare(RS) , you may be frustrated with their service. Especially for free users . You would need to wait in order to download. There are lot of websites faking you to provide free accounts with the keyword UPDATED – LOL. Even i have come across thousand of sites . They collect our information and hit over email with SPAM too. Here is a tool that is good for Free users especially for those who download lots of file from RS
RapidGet is a free small program designed to download files from rapidshare. Unlike like Premium users , this will help to Progress to download files by queuing . This is “How it works“.
- Open RapidGet
- Paste the rapidshare link in the box.
- It will check every 5 mins whether it could download file . (incase if you have already downloaded files before)
- After the time , it will automatically download the file.
- Again it will wait for the next file and download the files !
This way you can schedule the task continue your work like watching movies, TV , reading ebooks , etc
This software also have features to use Proxy, use Premium accounts in rapidshare, megaupload or other service and download it without waiting time . It also supports 47 languages. It is good way to download from RS.
Thanks friend it really working I just have to put downloading links and it will wait automatically and then download it.
It’s really good.
Happy to know … :)