Securing you Facebook account
Everyday there are many phishing and hack attempts . People even don’t know that they have been hacked. Facebook account is one big site that faces this kinda attempt . with over 30,000+ server managed by skilled security Technicians and sage , yet they face down time or malfunction at times. Even a day ago, they was breaking news that more than 100 Million users public info was shared (source : TechCrunch) . Here are few security tips for you !
Sharing information on Facebook:
First of all, the main reason that Facebook has always threatened is that it allows anonymous users to look into your information. Hackers collect these information and use them . They also sell them online. I have seen many restricted forums about this. You can change the Privacy option , to make sure whom you need to share information. To do so, log in and change the Privacy settings . It is good to use Friends only for sharing. If you wanted to know more explanation about this , you can check this Facebook page.
Adding Devices:
This lets you to get notification when someone from other PC or devices login to your account. You get an Instant email and SMS to your mobile(incase if you have added your mobile number into the account). To use this settings Go to the My Account settings page , opt by selecting YES in Account Security section.
After clicking Submit button, re-login to save the Device(PC or mobile) by using a custom name like HOME PC. Mark the “Don’t ask me again from this computer” Check box !
If there is new login to your account from other device , you may get a new Instant notification to your email(and Text msg to Mobile)
You can cancel the notification at any time by selecting No for Would you like to receive notifications for logins from new devices?
Internet is not a 3rd party entertainment , it is a MUST for every citizen. Be Secured not screwed!
yeye dude…
i have done the same…
really useful when you are surfing through a public PC :)
Good, that can make our facebook accounts more secure now
Glad you liked it
I’m new to facebook and was reluctant to join it at first. I’m glad they have some measures in place to keep prying eyes away from your account.
Glad you like it :D
Facebook is no longer accepting “home” as my “name new computer”. As I can no longer get in – is ther a ways around it. Please respond using my email address. I have facebook on my blackberry as well which is working fine. Kind regards