SEO guide: Importance of Anchor text

If you are SEO expert , you would have known the importance of Anchor text. Search engines takes anchor text as one of the key parameter to display the search results. If you are newbie and don’t know what is anchor text , see this example

Maverick Money Makers Review

Here “Maverick Money Makers Review” is the Anchor text . When search engine bots crawls your website , it associates your Anchor text with the Landing page.

Here is an example to show the power of Anchor text :

Adobe search result

If you look into the Adobe landed web page keenly , you would have found that there is no text  “Click here” , yet it is ranks well (very well) . This is because many website sharing PDF file, links to this site to get free Adobe reader incase if the users don’t have it , with the Anchor TextClick Here

There are many places you can place link with Anchor text such as in Post , Forum , Comments, etc. If you are place Anchor text in Comment, i would recommend to use it after gaining the reputation of the Website owner/author. otherwise they might Unapprove it thinking your comment as a SPAM.

I have changed font in this post , I have added a Like button at the end of the post so you can post some feed back ! <3

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  1. Anchor text is something people ignore all the time. I always make sure that I interlink my posts within my blog with appropriate anchor texts ;)

  2. Above all is right but as my experience anchor text is impotant but not more. Beacuse when we create a links back to our site then we increse ranking for the page contain keywords depending on competation .If achor thext is so important then how can we increse ranking for various keyword of our pages ?

  3. Pingback: Change Permalink in Wordpress

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