Upload documents to google docs from Desktop
Now-a-days we share files across the internet . The major problem with this is many files that are sent over the internet are vulnerable and are moved to spam . Moreover people may use different version like doc and docx or some time different software to create documents.
If you looking to upload document like Word, pdf , txt to google docs from Desktop, here is a cool gadget to go with .
Cloud Drive is a free gadget for Windows Vista and Windows 7 .It allows to upload to your google docs with simple drag action . You need to install the gadget and log in with your google(gmail) account details.
After signing in to your account , you need to drag the documents to the Gadget window. That’s it .
It will be uploaded to your Google docs. From then you can edit , share with your friends , family online or embed it in web pages . You can also access the files from any part of the world you go .
This is a part of Decorating your DeskTop Series . I will share more gadgets in this series.
Cool tip Shiva, will try this.